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What is STAR Interview Technique and how I made the best of it?

This blog post will introduce you to one of the most useful and widely used interview response technique called STAR. This technique of answering interview questions will assist you to provide concrete answers to the tricky interview questions with interesting examples reinforced by solid justification supported by concrete evidence demonstrating that you possess the required level of educational qualification, requisite skills and experience for the job at hand. I made the most of it and it paid off. In this blog post, I explain, what the STAR technique is and how the candidates can get the most out of it.

10 Important tips for writing a quality PhD Research Proposal with practical examples

Based on my personal experience and firsthand knowledge, this blog post underline 10 some useful tips with sample examples to help you write a high-quality PhD research proposal. For the purpose of this blog post, I use the example of a hypothetical study from the field of medical and allied health- “Investigating the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on anxiety reduction in college students”

Conflict of interest: A pathetic account of the public sector universities in Pakistan

This blog post is intended to share my personal insight about the state of affairs of conflict of interest prevailing in the public sector universities in Pakistan with policy makers, academics, concerned officials and university’s management with focus on the following areas: 1. What is a conflict of interest? 2. Situations involving conflict of interest 3. Aim of the conflict of interest policy 4. State of affairs in the universities in Pakistan 5. Dearth of policy guidelines on conflict of interest 6. Illustrative examples of conflict of interest 7. Managing conflict of interest 8. Disciplinary consequences

Ban on recruitment and selection in the universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its sinister implications for higher education

This blog post highlights some of its sinister implications of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Higher Education Department’s decision to impose a ban on all kinds of appointments, recruitment and selection in the public sector universities in the province for information of people at the helm of affairs to give this verdict a thoughtful reconsideration.

How to prepare mentally and emotionally for a job interview?

This blog post discuss some of the most common and frequently asked questions, I claim to be ‘common questions’, oftentimes asked during any interview. I urge the candidates to prepare them very carefully and painstakingly before proceeding for the job interview. Here, I will provide some useful tips, how to respond to each of these questions while taking due cognizance of the following valuable suggestions.

The miserable filing system in government offices: A tool for sinister bureaucratic control

Bureaucracies, with their huge jumbles of paperwork and procedural red tape, often appear inefficient and outdated. Yet, beyond this facade of incompetence lies a more disconcerting reality: the archaic and cumbersome filing systems in government offices may not just be a byproduct of inertia but a deliberate tool for control. These systems, designed ostensibly for organization and record-keeping can obscure accountability, stall progress, and frustrate ordinary public to the point of despair. This blog post looks into how these intricate filing practices serve more than just bureaucratic convenience—they are instrumental in maintaining a grip on power, stifling dissent, and perpetuating a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
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