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An overview of the laws and by-laws in the universities in Pakistan

Many people outside the academia and numerous insiders hardly understand the nature, content, purpose, scope, recommending, approving and disapproving bodies of the laws and by-laws prevailing in the public sector universities in Pakistan. This blog post is intended to address some of these important points unaccounted for since long.

An overview of the KPIs formulated for performance appraisal of the Vice Chancellors

The Higher Education Department (HED), Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, for the first time, in the history of public sector universities in the province, has delineated some useful Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for effective performance appraisal of the Vice Chancellors of public sector universities. This is a remarkable first step towards a broad-based, deep-rooted and wholesale development on the landscape of higher education in the country. This blog post takes a look of the ins and outs of these KPIs.
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