Declaration of KMU as the Admitting University for MDCAT 2024 & Onwards: Beginning of a new era in the Medical Education in KPK
This blog post aims to provide an overview of the announcement made by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) declaring KMU as the admitting university for conducting MDCAT 2024-2025 and onwards and undertaking centralized admission for both public and private medical and dental colleges in the province. In this blog, we will be sharing regular updates and details of the MDCAT 2024 and onwards.
Strengthening Higher Education in Pakistan: The case for establishment of Provincial HEC in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
In this blog post, I briefly discuss why does the provincial HEC matter, what will be its potential implications and what opportunities will it offer for the students, academic community and other stakeholders at large.
Revolutionizing Dental Education in Pakistan: UHS Introduces a New Modular Integrated Curriculum for BDS Program
This blog is aimed to briefly discuss key features, overall structure, modules, benefits for students and faculty and implementation challenges of this groundbreaking curriculum.
Setting up a world class Cyber Security Institute in KPK: Implications and future challenges
In this blog post, we will explore the far-reaching implications and the complex challenges associated with this ambitious endeavor, looking into how it can transform the region while highlighting the critical factors that will determine its success.
Re-defining Higher Education landscape in the province: Potential implications and future challenges
The initiatives by the government to redefine the higher education landscape by consolidating universities with identical programs, ceasing some departments and re-allocating them can be seen from multiple perspectives. This reform agenda could have several implications. This blog post discuss potential implications of these reform initiatives with future challenges from multiple perspectives
How the upgradation of KMC and AMC to the university status will negatively impact KMU?
In this blog post we will discuss how the proposed scheme of upgradation of KMC and AMC to the university status will negatively impact KMU financially, academically and administratively.
Is Pakistan’s Higher Education System sinking?- Key Challenges and urgent Solutions
The crux of this blog post is to highlight these issues and find a way-out so that universities may be able to contribute effectively to Pakistan’s social and economic development.
Philanthropy in higher education in Pakistan: Learning to donate
This blog post is intended to bring to the limelight the names of those donors and philanthropists who made tremendous contribution to the higher education sector in Pakistan.