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Some of the messages I received on the first anniversary of my blogging

It has been a year since I started blogging. I embarked on this exciting enterprise as a passion. The vision was not to educate others but to explore new horizons. The ambition was to come out of the comfort zone, challenge myself and contribute more positively to the area of my personal and professional interest. For this, my inspiration was emanating from the people who have a tremendous amount of energy and exhibit incredible resilience in doing simple things in their own little ways to inspire others.

When I sat down to compile my first blog post, a year back, I was completely bewildered from where to start. Since my maiden blog coincided with an overwhelming victory of Pakistan Tahreek-e-Insaf in the General Election, 2018, I could not resist the temptation to jot down “Can Imran Khan now really recall why he entered politics in the first place?”. It was exciting, though response was not overwhelming but I ended up with a blog post that set the mode, direction and tune of my blog towards reforms, higher education governance, academic leadership and research.

Since then, I contributed, at least, an article a week to my blog for the last one year alongside posting some quality educational material and videos on my YouTube channel as well. Soon, I learnt the basics and developed a perfect tempo and now I feel that blogging has become a part of my routine life. Today, I am delighted that with the grace of Almighty Allah -SWT my blog has become recognized, widely read and acknowledged in such a short period of time.

The most fascinating and rewarding part of my blogging journey is that I received a lot of comments, instant feedback and critique. I enjoyed conversation and exchanging ideas and insight with the audience as their perspectives helped deepened the message in my posts and took me further in my own thinking. In this blog post, I share some of the messages, I received on the occasion of the first anniversary of my blog.



I had the opportunity to saw your page, for the first time, which immensely impressed me to be honest by the topics selection and discussion. I enjoyed reading every single topic and learnt a lot from it. Whoever joins this page will become well- versed with the system and governance of higher education institutions in Pakistan. Well done and keep it up.

Prof Dr Jawad Ahmed

Pro-Vice Chancellor

Dean-Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences

Khyber Medical University

Peshawar, Pakistan



Indeed, it is really a very comprehensive forum of academia to vividly highlight the contemporary and pertinent issues of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa universities under the laws and by-laws. At first, I was flinching enough that how to leap over the subject, but ultimately I apprehended it very lushly. To be fair enough, actually this forum truly depicts the research-based analysis of the universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and I appreciate the untiring efforts of Dr Hafeez Ahmad for his management skills, who has shown a remarkable control to inscribe the true value of academia, research and administration according to the mind of every eager and sane.

For more details, I suggest this forum for valuable research-based information, feedback and critical analysis from the academic community for the betterment of our esteemed academia.


Prof Dr Shaid Niaz Khan

Dean/Chairman, Department of Molecular Parasitology

Kohat University of Science and Technology

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan




Exploring Academia provides me with an insight into the management, administration, leadership and finances part of the higher education that I  usually am not very aware of, being a full-time educationalist and researcher. The in-depth analysis and evaluations of Dr Hafeez and his command on the management of higher education is extremely impressive, with a scholarly approach as a cherry top. I wish Exploring Academia great success in the coming years, and would be learning a lot from the upcoming posts on the website.

Dr Usman Mahboob


Institute of Health Professions Education

Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan



The blog – Exploring Academia- started by Dr. Syed Hafeez Ahmad is one of the most informative and innovative blog I ever read. It has endeavored in contributing novel ideas on the burning issues relevant to the management practices in higher education of Pakistan as well as highlighting other important areas which no doubt is a source of active learning and inspiration for the potential readers.

It would sound quite unfair if I don’t mention his recent article on “My Reflections after a year…….” which shows the author on the zenith of his academic excellence. This has portrayed a splendid figure of the author’s whole story about the very inception of the blog till first year of its completion. I strongly recommend to all the potential readers to keep in touch with this blog in order to refresh your minds and update yourselves with the latest issues which have been taking place in higher education in Pakistan and across the globe.

At the end, I congratulate Dr. Hafeez Ahmad on successful completion of the first year of his academic journey.

Dr. Abdul Ghaffar

Associate Professor

Department of Education

Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan



This is a very useful blog for sharing knowledge and experiences of individuals in academia from various aspects. The blog has been amazing in highlighting various key issues that if addressed can solve several problems in academia in Pakistan.

Dr. Humera Manzoor

Assistant Professor

HEC Approved Supervisor

Institute of Management Sciences

Kohat University of Science and Technology




Dr Hafeez’s blog is a unique contribution to science and academia focusing on a range of innovative topics such as universities’ governance, performance indicators, universities’ governance models, bureaucratic hurdles in the universities, human resource management issues in the universities, research status in the universities and more importantly research areas such as “how to choose a research topic…….” etc. His blog posts provide an insightful view to the day to day politics and intrigues of Pakistani universities; beautifully articulated embedded local social, economic and political systems.

The blog is helpful for policymakers, administrators, educationists, researchers, scholars and students. I would highly recommend his blogs to everyone interested in the universities related issues both locally and internationally.

Dr Dildar Muhammad

Associate Professor

Institute of Nursing Sciences

Khyber Medical University




The most informative blog. I have come across, is certainly appreciated. Dr. Hafeez has done a thorough research on each topic. I must say the writings and videos must be preserved and should be shared as the authentic source for all the readers and students of Public Administration in specific and the public at large as general.

Keep the inspiring work up and Allah bless you all the way long.

Zahid Akhtar

9307 E 81st street
Tulsa Oklahoma

