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The New Law in India enforces a fine of Rs. One Crore and Ten-Years Jail imprisonment for Unfear-means in exams: What can authorities in Pakistan learn from it?

The main aim of this blog post is to provide a detailed analysis of the new law in India that imposes stringent penalties for exam paper leaks and the use of unfair means in examinations. It seeks to explain the rationale behind the law, its potential impact on the education system and the legal implications for offenders. The post will also explore how this legislation aims to uphold the integrity of academic assessments and deter malpractices. By examining various perspectives, it aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the law's significance and its expected outcomes. Lastly the blog post will discuss, what lessons authorities /examining bodies in Pakistan can learn from the Indian model.

How the students cheat in exams in a smart way and how to deal with it in a pragmatic manner? -10 important lessons from KMU Examinations Regulations.

This blog post offers a synopsis of the Chinese government’s decision to deal with cheating in exams to reckon what the authorities in Pakistan can learn from the Chinese model. This post takes a leaf out of the Khyber Medical University Examinations Regulations to elucidate how this emerging university is dealing with the issue in a pragmatic manner. This post mainly covers the following important areas: 1. An overview of the Chinese government’s decision to deal with cheating in exams 2. What is considered cheating in exams? 3. Why the students cheat in exams? 4. What are the different ways in which the students cheat in exams? 5. What the government authorities should proactively do- to deal with the menace of cheating in Pakistan? 6. How the Khyber Medical University Peshawar is dealing with the menace of cheating in exams?

Plagiarism: How the smart cheaters beat the technology?

This blog post explains how smart cheaters find a way to beat the technology. These criminals easily escape Turnitin (the similarity index detection tool), with impunity. They successfully maneuver, to outsmart the software algorithm and nothing is going to stop them. Some of the tricks played by the students with the manuscript of their assignments are elucidated here in this blog post.

Plagiarism: How much serious is the problem?

This blog post is intended to realize the following three-pronged objectives: 1. To sensitize the instructors/teaching faculty about the various tactics used by the students to outsmart technology and get away with the plagiarized material submitted as a class assignment or a project. 2. To educate the students about the academic integrity- the pursuit of scholarly activity in an honest and responsible manner to avoid unfavorable consequences of being caught involved in plagiarism 3. To provide useful insight to the technical experts of Turnitin- the similarity index detection software to take care of the new tactics employed by the students improving the tool accordingly.
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