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What are the key Leadership Theories and why do we study them in the university?

This post discusses the essence of key leadership theories and provides an answer to why they are important to be studied. The key points of each leadership theory have been the focus of this write-up with criticism and limitations of each theory deliberated upon succinctly and concisely. This blog post covers the following important topics: 1. What are the key leadership theories? 2. What do we learn from these leadership theories? 3. What are the major criticisms and limitations of these leadership theories? 4. Why do we study these leadership theories in the university? 5. What leadership theory may suit you more or works best for you? 6. Some of the great leaders and where do they fall when we use leadership theories as a theoretical framework?

Leadership Theories: How some of the great leaders are associated with these Theories?

This blog post exemplifies a few historical figures to expound how they might be associated with different leadership theories. In this write-up, first of all, I briefly describe some of the key leadership theories. Then I underscore some of the great leaders and analyze their leadership styles to uncover how aligned they were with certain leadership theories due to their perceived extraordinary leadership qualities and find an answer to why they were thought to be so.
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