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How to keep your kids engaged and motivated in the periods like Coronavirus pandemic?

In the current situation, when the academic activities in the schools and educational institutes disrupted, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, the parents are generally concerned what their kids will do all day long at home. They feel perturbed about their kids’ studies, daily routine and other engagements when they are on an unexpected extended break.

I recommend a number of things you should follow to continue with active learning, tutoring and skill development of your children and to fend them off from unhealthy and unproductive activities. Here is my list of Dos and Don’ts.


1. Boost your kids’ confidence

As kids used to feel vulnerable and overwhelmed by the uncertainty and crisis, it is important to boost the level of their confidence. Spending extra time with them in such a precarious situation shall have a positive impact on developing a strong parental bond and connection with your kids. One of the most compelling confidence boosters is to engage them in some positive and creative activities.

2. Engage your kids in creative activities

There is a laundry list of useful and stimulating activities in which you can engage your kids more effectively. Drawings, paintings, blogging, vlogging, calligraphy, and creative writings are some of such activities for mature kids. If they are engaged in it, they are definitely doing some serious learning. Involve them in something they love doing and boost their creative development. Give them the freedom to explore their positives and discover their strengths.

3. Develop the habit of reading books in the kids

Reading books is one of the best ways to promote a child’s brain development. This an exciting way the children love to best utilize their time.  My kids insist on bringing them books such novels, short stories and history books that fascinate them the most. This is how they are getting more excited about doing many useful things at the same time. Books of all kinds are beneficial but I suggest reading Islamic literature so that they develop a deep understanding of their religious obligations.

4. Develop their soft skills

As many schools are embarking on remote-learning plans soon, it is the best time to prepare your kids for that challenge beforehand. Help them develop IT skills, particularly some soft skills. You must engage them in other productive activities like gardening, baking, cooking, embroidery, tailoring and home decor. This will help them learn about their potential and hone their skills. Encourage writing and drawing about the experience Develop them the habit of learning things online.

5. Give the kids ample free time

Since, the kids have plentiful of free time, these days, but once you put them up in something more creative and exciting, then finding spare time will be really hard for the trouble in. In such a situation, allow them to play some simple indoor games. This provides them with an outlet to relieve pent-up energy and stress. Give them ample free time so that they don’t feel bored.

6. Inspiring a positive response

While it is normal for children’s behaviour to change in response to such an alarming situation, indications of anger, anxiety and many more emotions can become problematic if the state of affairs lingers on. You need to cultivate the sense of personal empowerment, empathy and resilience in the kids. Help them direct their feelings constructively and consider what they can do to help others in the time of urgent need by acting as a role model.

READ MORE: How your kids can enjoy life in the era of social distancing and Corona scare?

Inspire them to do volunteering to set the tone during the early days of their life to pay back to society when they grow up. Make sure, your children have the opportunity to express their feelings, concerns and feel proud in serving others.


1. Avoid keeping your children under any tight schedule

As the kids are already under intense stress, it would be unwise to keep them under strict time- table or a tighter schedule. However, it is getting even more important to keep them on a slack daily routine. You need to guide them properly and they will follow their own routine. Just, keep an eye on their sleeping, eating, studying and playing and if there were getting off-track over time, help them get back, promptly.

2. Keep your kids away from the smartphone

Since our kids are getting addicted to smartphones, watching social media channels and playing video games, you need to place consistent limits on screen time. Spurious news stories, comments, videos, and data from unauthentic sources about the outbreak are dominating social media platforms, children are likely to be exposed to loads of misinformation. Hence,  you should keep your children away from smartphones.

3. Limit your kids’ exposure to the news channels

In the current uncertain situation, where stress and anxiety are reigning supreme all around, limiting your kids’ exposure to the news channels is a more prudent approach. Keep them away from watching too much of the sensational news bulletin as for younger kids, it is best to avoid specific information about the pandemic, lockdown and human sufferings etc. Sounds and images emanating from the various news channels are often considered as detrimental for the children mental health as it makes them internalize the strain even more.