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Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilization from the Past

This blog post presents a brief review of the book “Lost Islamic History: Reclaiming Muslim Civilization from the Past” written by Firas Alkhateeb, an American scholar, writer and historian. The book digs deeper into the often-overlooked contributions of Muslims throughout history, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the diverse achievements and enduring legacy of Islamic culture.

The 10 major challenges confronted by the Higher Education Institutes in Pakistan

In this blog post, some of the major challenges confronted by the institutes of higher education in Pakistan are discussed in detail. The aim is to provide the policymakers and educational leadership with a deeper insight into the problematic areas in the higher education sector in the country for reforms and improvement. These challenges are outlined here: 1. Management of human resources 2. Role ambiguity 3. Performance appraisal 4. Interpersonal communication 5. Mushroom growth of the universities 6. Legal and judicial activism 7. Lack of accountability 8. Lack of autonomy 9. Financial crunch 10. Lack of automation/digitalization

The miserable filing system in government offices: A tool for sinister bureaucratic control

Bureaucracies, with their huge jumbles of paperwork and procedural red tape, often appear inefficient and outdated. Yet, beyond this facade of incompetence lies a more disconcerting reality: the archaic and cumbersome filing systems in government offices may not just be a byproduct of inertia but a deliberate tool for control. These systems, designed ostensibly for organization and record-keeping can obscure accountability, stall progress, and frustrate ordinary public to the point of despair. This blog post looks into how these intricate filing practices serve more than just bureaucratic convenience—they are instrumental in maintaining a grip on power, stifling dissent, and perpetuating a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many.