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Important Tips for the students–How to fill the MCQs Response Sheet properly?

This blog post is aimed at providing you with some useful guidelines on how to fill the MCQs Response Sheet properly during your professional or Semester-based Examinations or any other screening test or admission tests such MDCAT or KMU-CAT and how to write your Roll Number, Name and Paper Code on the MCQs Response Sheet properly.  This blog post shall cover the following important topics:

  • What are the major mistakes the students generally make while filling the MCQs Response Sheet?
  • What are the repercussions of improperly or wrongly filling the Response Sheet?
  • How to fill the Response Sheet properly?
  • Important Tips for the students how to fill the Response Sheet properly

But first of all, you need to understand some of the major mistakes, the students generally and most frequently make while writing their Names, Roll Number and Paper Codes on the MCQs Response Sheets in order to learn how to avoid them during your examinations.  

It is also important to understand that MCQs Response Sheet is the Sheet on which the students are required to give correct answers of the Multiple-Choice Questions given in the question paper by filling or shading the right bubbles during their examinations. This Response Sheet is also called the Answer Sheet or Bubble Sheet.  

What are the major mistakes the students generally make while filling the Response Sheet?

So, I was discussing some of the major mistakes, the students generally make while filling the response sheets during their examinations. Some of these are listed here as under:

  • Not writing Roll Numbers on the Response Sheet, altogether
  • Writing wrong Roll Number on the Response Sheet
  • Not filling or improperly filling the bubbles given for the Roll Numbers on the Response Sheet
  • Not filling or shading the proper paper code on the Response Sheet
  • Not writing the name, subject and Exam (either one of them or all of them) on the Response Sheet
  • Not writing proper Roll No. and name on the Question paper

What are the repercussions of improperly or wrongly filling the Response Sheet?

It is important to note that the MCQs Response Sheets are scanned and verified through Optical Mark Reading (OMR) machine and the unfilled, improperly filled and wrongly filled Response sheets are not recognized by the OMR machine while compiling the results which ultimately leads to missing as well as erroneous results, causing inconvenience for the examining body as well as students concerned. This also causes an undue delay in result declaration, stressing the whole examination management system.

How to fill the Response Sheet properly?

Now I will tell you, how to move with filling or shading the required sections and various bubbles on the response sheet. First of all, start from the left-hand side of the Response Sheet. Here you will find the Roll Number section. Write your Roll Number in the blank bubbles in the digits form first. Then fill the small bubbles/ circles beneath each digit. You need to be very vigilant here. Fill the right bubble under each digit.

Once you are done with this section, then you should start writing your name on the Response Sheet. Then write your Roll Number in the digits form here once again. This is for the purpose of double-checking your Roll Number which you have already written and filled in the bubbles. You must write correct Roll Number here, as well. This provides you with another opportunity to re-check your Roll Number with the one you have already written in the digits and filled in the bubbles. This also helps the concerned staff of the examination department to recheck and verify your Roll Number in case of any issue or ambiguity.

Then write the Subject of the paper you are going to attempt. Then write the type of Examination you are appearing in front of the Examination. Once you are done with this section, then jump to the next section which is Paper Code. This is again a critically important area you must take care of. A lot of students make serious mistakes while writing proper Paper codes on the Response sheet.

Since each Question paper has a particular Paper Code written in Alphabet on its top right-hand corner, you are required to select and shade the bubble with the proper paper code written on your Question paper. For instance, you are having a Question paper with Paper Code- B, then you are required to shade Paper Code B on the Response Sheet.

It is also important to note that your MCQs Response Sheets are scanned and verified through OMR machine and the unfilled, improperly filled and wrongly filled codes are not read, scanned and verified by the OMR machine creating serious issues in the compilation of result. This not only creates problems in identifying the exact standing of the student but also causes delays in the compilation and declaration of results.

Important Tips for the students – how to fill the Response Sheet properly?

  • Always write your exact Name, Roll Number and Paper Code on the MCQs Response Sheet during the examination to avoid embarrassment at a later stage.  
  • Use Black or Blue ballpoint to fill the bubbles on the Response Sheet. Never use a green or red or yellow pen or ballpoint or a highlighter stick. Never use the pen with ink as it spreads very easily on the bubble sheet.
  • Fill or shade the bubbles completely and deeply as possible. Do not tick or slash or cross X the bubbles. Do not leave it blank or half-shaded or partially filled. Stay within the bubble. Never cross the lines of the bubbles.
  • Last but not the least, write your name and Roll Number on the Question Paper too. This will help the examination staff to double-check and verify your name, Roll Number and paper code in case of any issue during the scanning process.